The Parlor Show is an avant garde solo sketch comedy show written and performed by Atlanta’s hottest comedians. This is NOT a happy-go-lucky comedy show. We explore the forgotten, the unremarkable, and the seedy dark side of the human experience. When the parlor opens, our cynical humorists will stand alone onstage and dare to entertain you.
There will be music, out-of-this-world characters, and somber schtick that’s guaranteed to make you cry.
One night only.
Every show is different. Comedians Will Amato and Chandler Anderson curate a different show thrice annually. Produced by Draft Horse Productions and the Mighty Shorts Comedy Collective.
PLEASE NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS: Attendees are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the venue. If there is a medical reason preventing someone from being vaccinated, the attendee is required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result that is no older than 3 days prior to the show’s date in order to enter the venue. There are no exceptions.
Masks are required to be worn at all times (except when eating or drinking or performing).
Join us on Friday, March 4 @ 8pm ET. Tickets are $20 Adv – $25 Door.